3 Types of Business Goals

Every business sets goals, whether they are financial or non-financial.

Have you ever wondered why you keep setting business goals and find it hard to hit them?

You try to motivate yourself, look at your goals every day, go over positive affirmations, say that you can do this, and still find yourself disappointed.

You have good intentions however, setting OUTCOME goals alone will not get you results. You may be asking, “Androulla, what are outcome goals?”

Outcome goals give you a sense of direction of where you want to head. However, these are not the only goals you need in your business. The other 2 types of goals I’m going to share with you are something you can control.

So let’s jump into it.

Typically we set what we call ‘outcome‘ goals.
Outcome goals are high-level and they focus on the desired end result. Examples:
– Sales for December to be $20,000
– Number of clients for December to be 10
– New clients from overseas each month to be 2

The following 2 goals are action-orientated and controllable.

Performance goals are designed to align with your outcome goals. These goals identify specific standards and are the actions you need to take – the ‘DO.’ Examples:
– Make 100 sales calls a week and convert 2 a week
– Have 100 visitors to the website a week to book a call or get a quote.

Process goals are the ‘HOW‘, the strategy or technique used to perform the tasks.
– Reply back to enquiries within 2 hours
– All sales calls to be made before 10am
– Leads to follow up in the future to be added to your database with a reminder

The chances of you achieving your ‘Outcome’ goals increase when you have a coinciding performance and process goal set that you will action, monitor, measure and assess.

If you are interested in knowing more about setting goals in your business, I’d love to hear from you – reach out and get in touch. Click here to book a 15 minute chat with me. 

EmpowerBeyond – Business Performance Solutions, focusing on people, process, products and services and improving productivity and cash flow www.empowerbeyond.com.au

What Gets Scheduled Gets Done

Have you ever been in a situation where you hear yourself saying, ‘I know I needed to do something today, but I just can’t recall what that is,’ and you sit there rattling your brain trying to remember? I know I have.

Not only do you lose time thinking about it, but you can also lose so much more if what you forget can affect your work — for example, not turning up for an important meeting, forgetting to re-ordering stock, or missing a submission’s due date.

Have you heard the saying “What gets scheduled gets done”?

By scheduling things in your calendar, the likelihood of you completing those items increases.

You can’t always remember everything and why would you need to when you have many tools to do this for you. These days your mobile phone has a calendar. You can set a reminder which can be done in seconds. You can also schedule a task or reminder it in your desktop calendars like Outlook, Google and Icoud.

Some of the reminders will be in the short or long term or recurring.
Be specific when making entries in your calendar, you don’t want to look at an entry you put in your calendar a month ago and not remembering what that meant.

Another tip when scheduling is to COLOUR CODE your entries, so at a glance you can see with ease what you have achieved for the week or month.

An example of colour coding can be:

  • Appointments (yellow)
  • Administration work (orange)
  • Client work (green)
  • Calls to make (red)







Scheduling creates order and structure. You will feel a sense of control in your business and will start noticing just how much you can get done in the day.

If you are already scheduling things in your calendar, then that’s great. Maybe see how you can improve on it, for example, add a reminder alert or colour coding.

Embrace SCHEDULING things in and notice how much you GET DONE!

If you are interested in knowing more about managing your workload and increasing productivity, I’d love to hear from you – reach out and get in touch.

EmpowerBeyond – Business Performance Solutions, focusing on people, process, products and services and improving productivity and cash flow www.empowerbeyond.com.au

Why your gut feeling matters in business – Video


“Your gut feeling is telling you something”


In this video I talk about why it’s important to go with your gut feeling in business.

Typically in business, we talk about the facts, talk about the numbers behind the situation, and do all our research. However, there is another element that helps drive our decisions and that’s our gut feel.

Think about it, have you ever been in a situation where something just doesn’t feel right. You can’t put your finger on the pulse and it keeps you up at night, or you have those constant thoughts keep running through your mind. Well, it’s all due to you not being aligned with your values.

Let’s take a scenario where you’re working on a client’s project and you’ve left something out and you know it. Your gut feeling is saying, maybe I should have added that extra details to the product or service. Or you’re worried about meeting the timeline and you start getting a little bit anxious about it.

The reason why you’re starting to feel this way is because of your values, and in this situation your values could be being professional, being detail-oriented, reliable, responsive and committed, committed to the deadlines that you said that you will deliver for your client.

Sometimes we undervalue values and these are the drivers of our actions. So next time you’re in this situation, I want you to start thinking about what values you are not fulfilling in your business and are not aligning with the work you’re doing for your clients. Hopefully, you’ve already identified your core values. If you haven’t, that’s perfectly fine. Feel free to reach out and let’s have a chat. This could be a game-changer for you in your business, taking it from being okay to excellent and something you’d be proud of.

To make a booking with me click here

EmpowerBeyond – Business Performance Solutions, focusing on people, process, products and services and improving productivity and cash flow www.empowerbeyond.com.au

Set the Scene for the Week – Video

‘In just 15 minutes”

In this video, I outline what you can do to set the scene for the week ahead in just 15 minutes.

I’m all about keeping it simple, having clarity and staying focused.

Here’s what I’ll go through:

  • When to do this
  • The tools to use
  • What to include when planning

By taking 15 minutes to do this, no time is wasted when you start work on Monday, it’s all about getting things done.

EmpowerBeyond – Business Performance Solutions, focusing on people, process, products and services and improving productivity and cash flow www.empowerbeyond.com.au

Values Drive Standards

Have you ever heard yourself echo the words, ‘normally I wouldn’t do this, but for you, I’ll make an exception?’ This is an example of deviating from standards. It may not be a problem initially but you might find this becomes the norm over time and now you have set a new standard that’s not aligned with your business values.  Before you know it, others are following your lead.

When things start to go in a direction that you’re not happy about, and frustration sets in, it’s a build-up of a lot of small things not going to plan and if you look closely, you will see that along the way you may have lost your direction. The direction in this case, meaning staying true to what the business stands for, the values.

Go back to your business’s values and see what part of the business, whether in the people, process or product and identify where values are not being applied consistently.

Ask why they aren’t being applied, maybe the values haven’t been clearly communicated, or it’s not clear how the business’s values are interpreted in the daily operations.

Let’s use this example. If your values are reliable and quality, a non-negotiable principle to apply in your business could be;

‘To deliver a quality product on time, every time,’ This now sets a standard.

So whether it’s yourself or your team delivering a product or service, make sure to check-in and ask if what’s being delivered is to standard. If it’s not, don’t accept it. Make the necessary changes until it is to the standard you have set and expect.

You don’t want to make a decision, where later on you find yourself saying ‘I knew I wasn’t making the right decision, but I went with it anyway.’ It could turn out to be a costly decision not only from a monetary perspective but also your brand and reputation.

P.S. When you are ready, reach out and we can discuss the standards within your business to increase efficiency, quality and profits.

EmpowerBeyond – Business Performance Solutions, focusing on people, process, products and services and improving productivity and cash flow www.empowerbeyond.com.au

Process Mapping for Business

There are so many processes we perform when running a business. Sometimes it’s hard to keep up with them all, and relying on our memory is not an effective way to run a business.

Process mapping is a tool that can be used to visualise all the steps in a sequential order that are required to complete a process.

You can look at mapping out the process by the department, for example: – Administration – Sales – Marketing – Finance – Human Resource – Customer Service – Design – Production – Distribution – Installation

From there you can then break that down further by the activities completed in those departments.

For example, the process of collection of money, ordering stock, onboarding new clients or customers, induction, handling enquiries, starting up machinery or equipment, maintenance work on machinery, receiving enquiries and giving a quote.

When mapping out a process, get all those who perform the steps to provide input. Through these discussions and a visual that make things clearer, it allows for better communication, an appreciation for other people’s contribution to the process and collaboration in improving the process.

This week the mapping out of processes was an activity I performed for a client which they found beneficial for several reasons:

  • Better visualisation of the process
  • It made it clear as to who was doing what as part of the process
  • What tasks needed to be completed and by when – Why each activity had to be completed within a particular timeframe
  • What equipment, software, material and people needed to be resourced (whether internal or external to the business)
  • Identifying areas that are a root cause to a problem (avoid band-aid fix and look to eliminating the problem)
  • Identifying areas of opportunity for improvement (to save time and money and increase quality)
  • Collaboration and input by those involved in the process (increases the acceptance of changes)
  • Creating a standard operating procedure on that process (increases standardisation and ability to cross-train people)

The process maps and standard operating procedures can continue to be updated as required.

There are many tools available to create process flow diagrams. Some provide a free trial, so use that time to navigate through the software to see which best suits you before committing to one.

P.S. When you are ready, reach out and we can discuss the processes within your business to increase your efficiency and turnaround time.

EmpowerBeyond – Business Performance Solutions, focusing on people, process, products and services and improving productivity and cash flow www.empowerbeyond.com.au